build Your Legacy With Penn State Rugby

With $1 million pledged for our endowment through the First XV (A Side) program, we are excited to launch our campaign to raise the second million through our Second XV (B Side) program and era teams.

Each era of Penn State Rugby alumni will be competing against each other, all for a great cause: sustaining the future of championship rugby for the Men’s and Women’s teams. 

P.S. It’s not too late to become an era captain and act as the "social chair" for your time playing rugby at Penn State. If you’re interested, you can learn more and sign up here.


Support an Era Team

Click on one of the links below to join an era of Penn State Rugby alumni in ensuring that the competitive, life-changing experience of playing rugby at Penn State will be guaranteed to all future generations of student athletes to come. Please feel free to contribute to the team you feel most connected to.


Join the B SIDE

We are seeking passionate individuals to join our B Side program. With a commitment of $25,000 over the next 5 years, you can strengthen your legacy with Penn State Rugby. Together, we can ensure that the life-changing opportunity of playing rugby at Penn State is available to all future generations.